Personal insurance
Personal insuranceTypes of insurance available in the United States
In the USA USA You have the option of taking out different types of insurance, which will help you cover medical costs, damage to your property or your vehicle in the event of an emergency.
By purchasing an insurance policy, you can receive money for losses suffered in the event of a road accident, property theft, natural disaster or loss of income due to disability, among others.
Types of insurance
- Health: helps you pay for health care and medication.
- Incapacity for work: replaces part of your income if you suffer from an injury or illness which prevents you from working.
- Life: financially protects your family in the event of death.
- Vehicles: protects you against financial loss in the event of a road accident or if your vehicle has been stolen or damaged.
- Homeowners: Compensates for damage to your home. You can also compensate for damage or theft of your personal property.
- Flooding - Protects you from flood damage to your home.
- Tenants: protects those who rent a house and pay for damage or loss of their personal property.
- Pets - Helps you pay veterinarian bills.
- Agricultural production: protects agricultural producers, farmers and ranchers from losses due to natural disasters or falling prices of agricultural products.
Tips for taking out insurance
- Check that the website you have accessed is secure when shopping online (if the address begins with https, the "s" means that the site is secure and encrypts the information it transmits to protect it).
- Never provide personal data if you do not trust the website.
- Make sure that the person selling you insurance really works for the insurer.
- Report any person who, after an emergency, offers you "quick money" or recommends the services of a particular professional, whether a lawyer, a doctor or other.
- Do not share your personal data with companies you do not know.
The laws that govern insurance vary from state to state. Contact information for the insurance regulators in your state can be found in our state directory (in some cases, the information may be in English).
Disability Insurance
Disability insurance helps the employee financially when an illness or injury prevents him from working. Although many employers offer some form of disability insurance to their employees, you can also purchase one to extend your coverage.
What types of disability insurance are there?
Short term: they benefit from a maximum benefit of two years.
Long term: they have benefits that can last a lifetime.
Ask these questions when you purchase individual disability insurance:
How does this policy define disability?
When do benefits start?
How long are the benefits?
How much money does the police promise to pay?
What help is there for people unable to work?
There are two programs run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that offer assistance to people with disabilities:
· The Social Security Disability Insurance Program pays you if a terminal or non-terminal medical condition prevents you from working for at least one year. Some family members may also receive benefits.
· The Supplementary Security Income (SSI) program provides financial assistance to adults with disabilities and children from low-income families. People over 65 can receive benefits if their income is below the required limit.
For more information, call 1-800-772-1213 (press 7 for Spanish) or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY, for people with hearing problems).
State disability insurance
The following states offer temporary disability insurance. These insurances offer short-term income replacement.
New Jersey
New York
Porto Rico